Matt. 7:7-8 "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. (8) "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened.”
The Purpose of Prayer:
God is love, and love deepens by intimate fellowship. God wants us to share every intimate detail of our needs in earnest prayer, and His peace will keep guard over our hearts in Christ (Phil. 4:6-7).
The Requirement of Fervency:
For prayer to be effective, it must be fervent and must come from a righteous person(James 5:16).
Prayer and Crying Out:
There is a distinction between prayer and crying out. (Psalms 39:12, 34:6, Israelites-Exodus 3:7-8, Elijah-2Kings 17:21-22, mother -Matt. 15:28, blind man-Luke 18: 38-43).
What a Cry Represents:
1. Total humility.
2. Unconditional surrender. Sometimes God will allow us to come into a crisis in order to seek him. When we seek him with "all of our hearts" (Jer. 29:13)
3. A plea for mercy. (Psalm 67:1).
4. A statement of confidence. (Matt. 28:18)
Important Factors for Asking
1. Ask the right person. (Exodus 16:8).
2. Ask with the right standing (John 1:12, Matt. 7:9,11).
3. Ask in faith. (Jas 1:6-7, Matt. 9:29).
4. Ask in total dependence. (Luke 11:5-9) When we know we are unworthy and have nothing, we are qualified for God's abundance.
5. Ask for the benefit of others. (Luke 11:5-6, Matt. 6:10).
6. Ask according to His will. (Jas. 4:3).
7. Ask in Jesus' name: (John 14:14), Bread-John 6:35, Water- John 3:5, 4:10, Wisdom-Jude 1:25, Truth-John 14:6, Peace-John 14:27, Holy Spirit-Luke 11:13).
How to Seek:
God gave Israel manna, but the people had to be diligent and resourceful to gather it daily.
1. Seek after God (Psalm 105:4, 2Chron 26:5).
2. Seek Him with a whole heart (Jer. 29:13)
3. Seek Him every day (Matt. 6:11).
4. Seek Him early in the day (Psa 63:1).
5. Seek Him with forgiveness (Matt. 6:12).
6. Seek God with generosity (Luke 6:38)
7. Seek Christ's commands (John 14:21).
How to Knock
1. Knock at the right door (Luke 11:3).
2. Knock with persistence (Luke 11:7-8, 18:2-7)
3. Knock out of respect. 4. Knock loudly - urgency and fervency.
How did Jesus follow this command?
1. He asked (John 17:9-10).
2. He sought (Luke 19:10).
3. He knocks (Rev. 3:20).
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