1. What do you think Jesus' attendance at the wedding indicates about Him? (See Matthew 11:16-19.)

2. Do you find Jesus' solution to the problem of no wine at the wedding believable? Why or why not?
Note: What claim was made about Jesus in John 1:3? It would be hard to imagine the Creator appearing on earth without revealing His power over His creation. Christ, fully understanding the nature of matter and having power over it, could command the elements of creation at will (Hebrews 11:3).
3. Notice in John 2:11 that John describes the event as a "miraculous sign." He consistently uses this phrase to refer to Jesus' miracles (3:2, 4:54, 6:14,6:26, etc.). Why? What is the function of a sign?
Note: Signs serve to inform.
4. What does the sign tell us about Jesus? '
5. How do you understand this conversation between Jesus and His mother (2:3-5)?
Note: "Woman" was an expression of endearment. What Jesus said could be paraphrased as follows: "We are not of the same world. What is a problem for you is nothing for Me. I'll take care of it. I have time for such things before My 'hour' comes."
6. What "time" do you think Jesus is referring to in 2:4? (See 7:6; 12:23,27; 17:1.)
Note: His death was not a futile and unforeseen tragedy. It was the reason for the coming. The "miraculous signs" contributed to setting off the chain reaction that inevitably led to His death.
Read John 2:12-22
7. What do you suppose prompted Jesus to act the way He did when He cleared the Temple (2:13-17)?
Note: The Passover was one of the principle religious feasts of the Jews. They came to Jerusalem for celebration and spiritual cleansing. However, the temple merchants were exploiting the situation by selling animals and exchanging foreign currencies for the temple currency— all for profit. Jesus accused them of soiling God's name. He told them, in so many words, "Don't use My Father's name to promote your dirty business!" (See Romans 2:24.)
8. How can Jesus' anger be justified? (See Romans 1:18.)
9. The Jews demanded He show His credentials for such authoritative actions. What do you learn about Jesus from His answer (John 2:18-22)?
10. Why do you think His resurrection would constitute the ultimate credential? (See 1 Corinthians 15:12-19.)
Read John 2:23-25.
11. Why do you thinkjesus did not respond to the people in 2:23, even though it says they believed in Him?
Note: Real belief implies commitment. Their acceptance of Jesus did not go that far. (See 12:42-43, James 2:19.) A faith in which the individual reserves the right to run his own life is not faith at all. (See John 3:36.)
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