1. Why do you think the Pharisees took this woman to Jesus?
2. What do you observe about Jesus' attitude toward the woman caught in adultery? (Did He approve of what she had done? Then why didn't He condemn her?)
Note: Was it that He closed His eyes to her sin? (See John 3:16-18, 1 Peter 3:18.) Jesus paid dearly to be able to offer her the pardon she needed. He took the woman's place. (See 2 Corinthians 5:21.)
3. What stands out to you about Jesus' attitude toward the Pharisees? Note: He tried to help them see that they were no different than the woman. But their case was more difficult. She knew she had a problem; they didn't. (See Matthew 9:10-13, 21:28-32.)
Read John 8:12-20.
4. In 8:12, Jesus made another of His "I am" assertions. How do you understand His claim to being the "light of the world"?
5. If Jesus is the light of the world, what could this imply for you? (See Ephesians 5:8-15.)
Read John 8:21-38.
6. In John 8:24,28,58 we see more "I am" statements. To what was Jesus referring? I am what? He said that after His crucifixion people would know the answer to the question of His identity (8:28). What is the answer? (See Romans 5:8.)
7. a. What was the main reason for the conflict between Jesus and His
enemies (8:23)? b. Why do you think this is so hard to accept? Note: To admit that Jesus is God is to admit one's error and need for change. (See Luke 7:29-30.)
8. Jesus talks about truth and freedom (John 8:31-36).
a. What do you think He means by "truth"? What is a truth?
Note: Atruth is something tested and proven. Jesus said injohn 14:6, "I am the truth." Either this was the ultimate expression of egotism—or He was right!b. How can we determine whether He was right or wrong when He made this claim (8:31-32)?
Note: We must put Him to the test—on His terms.
c.Jesus offered a spiritual maxim on freedom: Committing sin results in slavery (8:34). What do you think this means?
Note: The person who says, "I am free to do whatever my inner voice suggests," soon finds himself enslaved to what he sought to be free to do. (See Mark 7:14-23.) It is impossible to do or be what we really desire to do or be.
d. Why do you suppose the Jews couldn't perceive their spiritual slavery (John 8:33)?
Note: People in spiritual slavery can't see it because the bondage itself blinds them. (See 9:39-41.)
e. What must happen before a person can be really free?
Note.- Submitting to Christ requires an unconditional surrender (Luke 14:25-33). We must fully submit before He can do anything for us. Example: The sick must submit to the surgeon so that he can do whatever is necessary to produce the cure.
Read John 8:39-59.
9. Why did Jesus say that the Jews who rejected Him weren't sons of God (8:42)? How did He support that assertion (8:37-47)?
10. Do you think it is possible to believe in God and not believe in Christ? Why? What are the characteristics of one who knows God and of one who doesn't?
11. What were the Pharisees thinking at this point about Jesus' identity (8:48)?
12. What was the basis of this judgment?

13. How did Jesus answer them (8:49-59)?
14. In summarizing this chapter, list the main reasons why it is of primary importance to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ.
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