Tuesday, April 15, 2008

3PDL What Drives Your Life?

Chapter 3 is a good chapter to outline: The basic idea is that everyone’s life is “driven” by some underlying or guiding principle, or need. (PDL pages 27-29)

Many people are driven by guilt.
Many people are driven by resentment or anger.
Many people are driven by fear.
Many people are driven by materialism
Many people are driven by the need for approval.

For most of my adult life, I was driven by the need for approval. It drove me to be a workaholic and eventually to burn-out and clinical depression in the 1990s. It took a good deal of honesty and soul searching before I realized that my life was “driven” by the wrong things. It taken me nearly 10 years to recalibrate my life with a healthy sense of purpose and healthy motivations.

Here are some of the benefits of knowing what the purpose of your life is:
Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life.
Knowing your purpose simplifies your life.
Knowing your purpose focuses your life.
Knowing your purpose motivates your life.
Knowing your purpose prepares you for eternity.

Isaiah 26:3, "You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you.” (TEV).

Point to Ponder: What drives your life?

Questions to Consider
- If you asked your family and friends to describe what drives your life, what would they say?
- Do know what your purpose is?
- What hang-ups, hurts, habits or fears keep you from beginning to live your life according to your purpose?


Ruth Hillary said...

I think my life is driven by a combination of Fear and the need for approval.

I'd say my biggest hang up is my fear of failure or disappointing the people around me in my life.

What do you guys, my family and friends, think drives my life?

Joseph Holbrook said...

Hi sweaty (oops... I meant to say sweetie)

we had a great discussion tonight ... Dan acknowledged that he needs to find motivation (and John) and the verse came up about "seek first the kingdom of God" ... he might lead a discussion on that next week...

I tend to agree with you about fear of failure... and maybe the need for approval?

did you like the music? Lincoln Park ...down below...