Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Do you know who I am ?

....this is not a game of who the f___ are you... but who the hell is BOB?


Joseph Holbrook said...

B.O.B. came up one night in a conversation with C.W. I was sharing that I believe there is a higher power who is good.

C.W. mentioned that he didn't like religion.

I replied that neither do I, but I do like friendship. If there is a higher power, and if that higher power is good, then that higher power must want to be our friend.

C.W. said, "I will name thp (the higher power) Bob."

"Bob?" I asked.

"yes, Bob", he answered. "Buddy of Buddies."

- "works for me" I answered.

Ruth Hillary said...

I like it =)